
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

High School Maths

发现一些个很简单的问题现在思考起来脑子转得慢了。今天看火箭队的赛程表的时候想了想82场NBA常规赛电脑到底是怎么排的和其中的一些排列组合。原来只知道减去了每支队和本联盟的某些球队的比赛场数以符合NBA习惯的82场,用以保持技术统计的历史一致性和分析可能性,但没细想抽掉了哪些比赛还是随意让电脑抽的。因为原来NBA在山猫加盟之前只有29个球队,东部球队15,西部球队14,每一西部球队和每一东部球队主客场各打一场,西部和西部的主客场各打两场,这样正好就有15*2+13*4=82场,这样是为了节约旅途开销,也有可能是为了让本联盟或本区之间的比赛更加激烈;东部球队一样,但那样的话就有14*2+14*4=84场,为了都是82场,每支队要减两场。东西部的本来就只有两场,所以不好减,这样就减每支东部球队和本联盟的两场比赛。这个简单,随意减就可以,比方说把东部15个队分成5个组,每队的三个队中抽出不同的两个队的组合,这样共抽出5*C3 2(2在3上头:))=15场比赛(其实也是15*2/2=15),每年常规赛保持在共82*29/2=1189场。为了让比赛更有吸引力,可以让希望更多看到的对手分在5个组的不同组中,因为不同组的球队间的比赛保持在四场。比方说乔丹在奇才未退役时的奇才队和原来有卡特的猛龙队的“新老飞人”对决可以分在不同组,而把不希望看到的也就是没什么悬念或者没什么看点的比赛分在同一组,比方说原来的公牛队和华盛顿子弹队。山猫加盟后,黄蜂队去了西部,所以东西部平等了,都是十五支,对每支球队,如果仍然和对方联盟球队打两场,和本联盟打四场,会有15*2+14*4=86场,所以每支球队就有4场本联盟之间的比赛要减。可以按照上面类似的方法减。为了减4场,分出来的每个组里的队数变成4+1,这样就是3个组,每个组里做完抽两个队的组合,这样一共就减去3*C5 2=30场比赛。也可以遵守上面的期盼度的方法把好看的比赛的对手分在不同组,但因为减的比赛比原来多了,所以按照这种方法自己分的组的组数少了,这个期盼度的方法的效果就不明显了。实际上上个赛季开始东西部就重新分了赛区,东西部各三个赛区,正好符合前面假想的3个组,但肯定不是很简单的减去同区的比赛,因为正好相反,观众希望看到本赛区更多的比赛。当然这只是一种减法,不一定要分成前面的说的5个组或3个组,只要让减去的比赛平均的分配到每支球队就行。前面减2场的简单,不分组的话随便把15个队列出来,随意画画连线,每支队的连线数为2就好,也很容易画出来,最简单的就是每个队挨个相连,然后首尾相连,相当于一个圆上平均分配的15个点;但后面减4场的随意画连线的话很有可能出现最后一支球队的连线数无法达到4却又无线可画的情况,比较有条理和简单的一个方法也是画圆,均匀分配的15个点每个点挨个连线,这样每个点有两根线,然后隔个相连,这样就4根,而且每个队平等,类似15边形和15角形。上面说的分组只是另外一种条理和简单的方法。


Monday, November 28, 2005

Indiana Pacers' Ron Artest stands with the words 'Tru Warier' shaved in his head during the game against the Los Angeles Clippers, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2005, in Los Angeles. Artest had 22 points in the Pacers' 97-92 win. (AP Photo/Danny Moloshok)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Chinese President Hu Jintao, right, gestures to U.S. President George W. Bush, left, as they meet with the press after their bilateral meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Sunday November 20, 2005. Bush called on China on Sunday to expand religious, political and social freedoms and urged steps to reduce Beijing's huge trade surplus with the United States. President Hu Jintao promised steps to resolve economic frictions. (AP Photo/Adrian Bradshaw, POOL)

U.S. President George W. Bush, center, rides his mountain bike with Chinese cyclists on the Laoshan Olympic Mountain Bike Course in Beijing, China, Sunday, Nov. 20, 2005. Beijing will host the 2008 Summer Olympics. Third from left at rear is a U.S. Secret Service Agent. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

U.S. President George W. Bush reacts as he tries to open a locked door as he leaves a news conference in Beijing November 20, 2005. Washington and Beijing will cooperate towards making the yuan's exchange rate more responsive to market forces of supply and demand, visiting U.S. President George W. Bush said on Sunday. (Jason Reed/Reuters)

U.S. President George W. Bush reacts as he pulls on a locked door as he tries to leave a press conference in Beijing, China, Sunday, Nov. 20, 2005. Bush headed for a set of double doors after the press conference only to discover that they were locked. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Finally, Raptors Win...

A big run in the fourth quarter...today raptors exceeded my expectation to win arguably the best team in east at ACC to avoid the 0-10 embarrassment. However, do they still have the potential to make the worst regular season record in NBA history? Will Sam Mitchell still remain the first coach that is most likely to be fired this season in NBA? Let's just wait and see...









  赛季 球队 胜场 头号得分手史上最差球队排名 (82场常规赛)
  72-73 76人 09 弗雷德·卡特20分
  92-93 小牛 11 德里克·哈伯18.2
  97-98 掘金 11 埃里克·威廉姆斯19.8
  86-87 快艇 12 迈克·伍德森17.1
  93-94 小牛 13 吉姆·杰克逊19.2
  04-05 老鹰 13 阿尔·哈灵顿17.5
  82-83 火箭 14 阿伦·里维尔14.8
  96-97 灰熊 14 拉希姆18.7

Monday, November 14, 2005

17 3-Pointers

Well, it's only a video game, but is still amazing under the all-star difficulty level and default slider settings. Guard Ray Allen of my "Washington Wizards" was feeling scorching today, knocking down all-time NBA record (beats K. Bryant & D. Marshall's 13) 17 3s (11 in the 1st quarter) and a total 64 points in 30 minutes' performance in the Philips Arena against CPU Atlanta Hawks, leading the wizards to a yearning big 128-108 win in the very first bumping young season of their "franchise history"…lol…

Sunday, November 13, 2005


I strongly recommend those

who still haven't read "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party"; who really care about China's future and its democratic way to prosperity and would like to get some critical thoughts on them; who have nearly zero knowledge of China's true recent history and politics in the last century as a Chinese but have unspeakably biased but logically irrational objection against those who they somehow believe to be subversive to Chinese government and the society (especially Falun Gong); who has been through a lot of sufferings and pains in their heart and flesh (such as the Cultural Revolution, 1989 Massacre in Tiananmen Square, etc.) and still feel the pang remains unrecoverable in their life time; or those who are simply itching to seek different voices on the politics of China other than what are reported and preached day and night on TV and newspapers in mainland China

to watch the 9 pieces of videos online @ NTDTV http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/big5/aNine.jsp (Naturally, site inaccessible in China, for Chinese overseas only), in a way to know more about the truths in China and its history, to build your own judgement on correctness and wrongness, and possibly express your own perspectives throughout the conflicts of different viewpoints.

Note: I myself was not associated with any kind of political organizations or any person who was involved in them, or had suffered from any historic events that took place in China, I'm simply too young to experience that. And my major and expertise have nothing to do with politics at all. I'm just currently a pretty normal international student with a lovely family and a bright future ;)

Friday, November 11, 2005

So guys, quit smoking now...it's not cool at all

A healthy human lung, left, and a smokers lung injected with a polymer preservative are on display during a press preview of 'Bodies...The Exhibition,' Thursday, Nov. 10, 2005 in New York. The exhibit which feature 22 whole body specimens, as well as more than 260 additional organs and body specimens opens at the South Street Seaport Nov. 19, 2005. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

NBA Live 06 Superstar Freestyle Move

The biggest selling point of the new installment of the series, the biggest improvement (or nonsense that disastrously destroys the game balance??) of the game, enabling you to exactly execute every marked move/shoot/dunk of your superstars or specialists in your team contingent upon your true basketball savvy and strategy on different match situations, in the most exciting Dynasty Mode. Using keyboard as the controller this year is a little bit tricky because of the missing Back Down button and more complicated stroke combinations for the superstars, but it was just fine, practice it more in individual practice mode, you'll get there.

Below is the list of all of the moves for each superstar type, it even cannot be found on the game's official site...and, it may be a little bit longer than you think :)

  • Power

    Hold the Left Trigger and Tap A,Cross,Pass: Two Hand, Two Foot Tomahawk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Hold A,Cross,Pass: Two Hand, Two Foot Tomahawk Hang
    Hold the Left Trigger and Tap Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop: One Hand Tomahawk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Hold Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop: One Hand, Two Foot Tomahawk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Tap B,Circle,Shoot: One Hand, One Foot Tomahawk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Hold B,Circle,Shoot: Barkley Dunk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Tap X,Square,Dunk: Two Hand Power Dunk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Hold X,Square,Dunk: One Hand Two foot Leaning Power Tomahawk

    Hold the Left Trigger and Tap A,Cross,Pass: Two Hand, Two Foot Tomahawk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Hold A,Cross,Pass: Two Hand, Two Foot Tomahawk Hang
    Hold the Left Trigger and Tap Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop: One Hand Tomahawk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Hold Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop: Windmill
    Hold the Left Trigger and Tap B,Circle,Shoot: One Hand, One Foot Tomahawk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Hold B,Circle,Shoot: Barkley Dunk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Tap X,Square,Dunk: Two Hand Power Dunk
    Hold the Left Trigger and Hold X,Square,Dunk: One Hand Two foot Power Tomahawk

  • Highflyers

    Hold down the left trigger and tap A,Cross,Pass (close): Two Foot, One Hand Tomahawk
    Hold down the left trigger and tap A,Cross,Pass (far): Two Foot, One Hand Leaner
    Hold down the left trigger and hold A,Cross,Pass (close): Double Pump
    Hold down the left trigger and hold A,Cross,Pass (far): Two Foot Windmill
    Hold down the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop (close): Two Hand, Two Foot Windmill
    Hold down the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop (far): Bounce off the Floor
    Hold down the left trigger and hold Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop (close): Two Hand, One Foot Stretch
    Hold down the left trigger and hold Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop (far): Self Alley Oop
    Hold down the left trigger and tap B,Circle,Shoot (close): Two Foot, Two Hand Tomahawk
    Hold down the left trigger and tap B,Circle,Shoot (far): One Hand, Double Clutch Layup
    Hold down the left trigger and hold B,Circle,Shoot (close): Double Power Pump
    Hold down the left trigger and hold B,Circle,Shoot (far): One Hand, One Foot Finger Roll
    Hold down the left trigger and tap X,Square,Dunk (close): One Hand Double Pump
    Hold down the left trigger and tap X,Square,Dunk (far): Jordan
    Hold down the left trigger and hold X,Square,Dunk (close): Two Foot Windmill Reverse
    Hold down the left trigger and hold X,Square,Dunk (far): LeBron

  • Playmaker

    Hold the left trigger and tap A,Cross,Pass: Bounce Pass
    Hold the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop: No Look Pass
    Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle,Shoot: Fake Pass
    Hold the left trigger and tap X,Square,Dunk: Behind the Back Pass

  • Stoppers

    Hold the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle,Jump(Pro-Hop): Block/Rebound
    Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle,Charge(Shoot): Take Charge
    Hold the left trigger and tap X,Square,Steal(Dunk): Steal/Interception

    Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle,Charge(Shoot): Take Charge
    Hold the left trigger and tap X,Square,Steal(Dunk): Steal/Interception

  • Scorers

    Outside Scorers
    Hold the left trigger and tap A,Cross,Pass: Windmill Layup
    Hold the left trigger and hold A,Cross,Pass: Switch Hands Layup
    Hold the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop: Runner
    Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle,Shoot (when going toward basket): Double Clutch
    Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle,Shoot (when going away from the basket): Turnaround J
    Hold the left trigger and tap X,Square,Dunk: Fake Behind the Back Layup
    Hold the left trigger and hold X,Square,Dunk: Behind the Back Layup

    Outside scorers also have a variety of moves utilizing the right analog stick. Here are some Triple Threat moves when facing the basket.
    Hold the left trigger while holding right on the right analog stick: Jab and Hold
    Hold the left trigger while holding down on the right analog stick: Cradle and Hold Back
    Hold the left trigger while holding left on the right analog stick: Create Space
    Hold the left trigger while holding up on the right analog stick: Hold between the legs

    Once in the Triple Threat position, try one of the following moves:
    Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Right + Left analog Left: Spin Left
    Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Down + Left analog Left: Behind the Back
    Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Up + Left analog: Blow Out Dribble
    Left trigger + Right Analog Flick Down: Fake Dribble Right, Spin Left

    Inside Scorers
    Hold the left trigger and tap A,Cross,Pass: Hook Shot
    Hold the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop: Runner
    Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle,Shoot (while going towards basket): Double Clutch
    Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle,Shoot (while going away from the basket): Turnaround J
    Hold the left trigger and tap X,Square,Dunk: Avoid Strip Layup

    Inside Scorer Right Analog Moves
    Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Right: Face Up
    Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Down: Up and Under
    Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Left: Shoulder Fake Go Moves (while you are in a back to the basket, Triple Threat position from the post)
    Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Right + Left Analog Left: Blow Out Dribble Left
    Left Trigger + Left Analog Left: Spin Left
    Left Trigger + Left Analog Right: Spin Right

  • Shooter

    Hold the left trigger and press A,Cross,Pass: Fake Pass and Shoot
    Hold the left trigger and press Y,Triangle,Pro-Hop: Bank Shot
    Hold the left trigger and press B,Circle,Shoot: Set Shot
    Hold the left trigger and press X,Square,Dunk: Hold Your Follow Through

Thursday, November 03, 2005

More Photos Now: Re-enjoy The Colors of Algonquin Provincial Park


  • All photos are taken with my antique 2.1M pixels Sony Cyber-Shot (Sony's own 3x optical lens)
  • Pictures were shot last fall in Algonquin
  • Original image size 1600x1200 (around 1~2M per file), each resized to 1024x768 (&768x1024)when uploaded onto photos.blogger.com
  • Edited and enhanced with ACDSee 8.0 Photo Manager, basically with deeper contrast, saturation, and sharpness
  • Pure scenics, no person distraction
  • Please be patient to browse this page if you happen not to get a high speed internet connection

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Don't Let Those Japes Scare You, Halloween Has Already Passed, Ha!

Warning: some photos are gravely distorted so don't assume those are real portraits of myself and use them for any other purpose than viewing them here for fun. haha...